While many businesses are familiar with ways to promote safety and security in their workplaces, they may not always think about the safety of their parking lots. Parking lots and garages are convenient and necessary for many businesses, but can unfortunately turn into hazardous places for your clients and employees if precautions are not taken. At Unit Step, we care about the safety of your business, so we’ve listed our top three ways to promote parking lot safety.

3 Ways to Promote Parking Lot Safety

1. Ensure Visibility

Visibility is key to safety. To prevent accidents in your parking lot, clear exits and entrances of any blind spots that may block a driver’s vision, such as trees, bushes, or dumpsters. Also, it’s a good idea to install bright lighting in your parking lots to deter visits from robbers or attackers. Lighting will also make it easier for drivers to see pedestrians.

2. Install Concrete Bollards

Concrete bollards are short concrete posts that are used for esthetics, as well as to promote safety. The installation of concrete bollards helps maintain a good traffic flow, as well as clearly marking restricted areas. A series of bollards can help direct drivers to the lot they should be in, and prevent them from entering off-limit areas. They also designate boundaries of separation between people and vehicles, or they can be used to create a bicycle parking area.

3. Use Parking Bumpers

Parking bumpers help drivers know how far they should pull into a space, and keep cars in neat lines in the parking lot. They also prevent drivers from pulling in too far and running into the car in front of them, or from running off the pavement into a ditch or other hazard.

To ensure the safety of your clients and employees, make parking lot safety a priority. For more information on concrete bollards or parking bumpers, contact Unit Step today at (317) 357-4552 or request an estimate online. We’re located in Indianapolis, Indiana, and we offer pickup, delivery, and complete installation to Lafayette, Bloomington, Cincinnati, and other cities.